Committed Esoteric Explorers Seeking Next-Level Power, Magic, and Bliss

The Master Code

– The Shakti Path to a Mystical & Magical Life –

Committed Esoteric Explorers Seeking the Next Level of Power, Magic & Bliss

Enrollment in this course is closed. Please let us know if you’d like to be notified when it re-opens. 

The Master Code

The Shakti Path to a Mystical & Magical Life


With Your Inner Eye


Infinite Potential


In Bliss + Harmony

Next Cohort Opens in 2024

Pre-Requisite Programs: The Kundalini Code* or Awakening Your Kundalini or Open Your Third Eye, or Advanced Awakening Your Kundalini

*The Kundalini Code is included with this program as a special bonus!

“You have tasted the sweetness of Kundalini Shakti, seen visions of truth through your Third Eye, and experienced the bliss of the Void. You are now ready to live as a true Shakti and powerfully create the next chapter in your magical story.”
~ Raja

Discover how Sacred Feminine Energy can empower you to redesign your life and write your new story.

Now that your studies have advanced your consciousness, and you feel the stirrings of Kundalini Shakti within and the spark of illumination of your Third Eye, it is time for you to discover how to live within these states of bliss continuously so that you can design a new reality, tell a new story, and manifest a new life.

You are at the threshold of choice now. You have longed for this moment. You have feared it, too. yes, it is upon you. Choice. 

Will you accept the calling and plunge into a magical new dimension of reality?

Let Raja and the Adepts of A Thousand Suns Academy guide and support you in discovering the next steps on the journey in, The Master Code.

Attract Energy, Abundance, Magic, and Bliss

What Is, The Master Code?

In The Kundalini Code, you discovered how to awaken the power and magic within. In The Master Code, you will progress from awakening and discovering to elevating your consciousness and embracing practices that enable you to bring the power and magic of Shakti into every aspect of your life.

An Experience of Mastery Awaits!

The Master Code will steep you in a powerful practice of meditation, breath, and mantra that can elevate your consciousness to a level few are called to attain. 


Mastery of Energy

Vibrating in Alignment with the Universal Dance of Consciousness and Energy called Spanda and Prana.

Mastery of Body

Controlling the 4 Directions, the six desires and the 10 Plexus, the three base elements, and The First Sun

Mastery of Emotions

Controlling the 12 Pointed Crossing Point between Your Emotional Being and the Cosmic Mind in the Second Sun at the Heart

Mastery of Mind

Controlling the 16  and 2 connections to 1,000 Suns as we take control of our thoughts and begin to open our third eye and perceive a new inner reality

Mastery of Consciousness

Realizing we are cosmic beings and gaining access to A Thousand Suns

Mastery of the In-Between World

The Principle of Alchemical Living between Heaven and Earth and the non-dual magic of the Turiya State

Mastery of Life

Returning to the World with Self Mastery and learning to live with The Dance of Shiva and Shakti.

What You’ll Discover

In this 7-month, transformational intensive, Rajada will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies to gently and safely sustain the Kundalini energy within you while remaining firmly grounded in the realities of our earth-bound experience.

Rajada will engage your consciousness via LIVE teachings with Q&A breakouts, meditation, mantra, and deep experiences of bliss — all designed to take you deep into Sri Kula, Kali Kula, Kriya, and Shiva Shakti traditions of Kundalini awakening and nurturing.

Each live session will build harmoniously upon the previous, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to experience the bliss of inner awakening.

When you enroll in The Master Code, you’ll be lovingly supported by a vibrant community of A Thousand Suns Academy Adepts who will guide and support you during Shakti Cafe breakouts as well as on our private Facebook group to answer questions, and offers additional insights and guidance. You’ll also be able to contact Raja directly with more personal questions and issues by email.

Note: If you have NOT experienced Rajada’s Kundalini teachings before, you’re welcome in this advanced training, but we ask that you begin the foundational 7-module program, The Kundalini Code, as a prerequisite which will be included in your registration.

All participants are encouraged to complete the 7-module course before beginning the advanced program; otherwise, it will be difficult to keep pace with the more advanced teachings. 

Raja brings vital and contemporary energy to explaining India’s wisdom traditions. His in-depth knowledge of the history, neuroscience, and symbolism of Indian mysticism provides valuable insights and guidance.
Dr. Karan Singh

Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir, Author, and India’s leading Cultural Ambassador

PLUS You Also Receive Immediate Access To This Incredible Bonus:

The Kundalini Code, Awaken the Power & Magic Within

A practical, easy-to-follow, 7-module journey to awaken to your most potent self so you can ignite the power and magic within.

The Kundalini Code Course Image

The 7-module, on-demand program includes Rajada’s foundational teachings on the 5-Keys which you will build upon in The Master Code.

Key 1: Command the Flow of Prana

Key 2: Burn Away Fear, Limitation, Karma

Key 3: Fully Activate the Heart & Bridge Duality

Key 4: Open Your Third Eye & Become a Sky Walker

Key 5: Surrender Into the Awe & Discover Bliss

There lies within you, in this very moment, a magical power, that once awakened, can reveal the mysteries of the entire Universe and bring miraculous transformation and healing, power, and sustainable experiences of bliss into your life.

A life of magic & mystery can be yours, once you have The Kundalini Code.


Raja Ted Talk

Meet Raja Choudhury, Rajada

“Da” means elder brother, and Raja-da is as your elder brother, committed to helping you and all sincere seekers of esoterica wisdom to answer the essential question, “What do I want from Life?”

Rajada has taught and initiated thousands of seekers in the secrets of Kundalini, opening the Third Eye, and the true power of Shakti and Tantra through in-person workshops and courses on The Shift Network; and now, through the mystery school he founded, “A Thousand Suns Academy.”

In September 2006, while living and working in New York and after numerous difficulties and failures, Raja experienced a personal Kundalini awakening that completely recharted his life trajectory and his destiny. Since then, Raja has been initiated into numerous traditions including Kriya Yoga, Sri Vidya, Kali Kula, Trika, and Raja Yoga, and is well versed in the language of western esoteric traditions, neuroscience, and psychology.

Raja brings a unique perspective, humor, energy, and a thoroughly modern, “life-hacker” approach to the ancient, esoteric wisdom and traditional teachings for awakening consciousness.

Raja is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker, a TED and TEDx speaker, and the host of a very popular Youtube channel on awakening consciousness. In 2020, he spoke at the Science of Consciousness Conference at the University of Arizona and his next film for PBS (WTTW Chicago) is America’s First Guru telling the story of how Yoga and the deeper aspects of Indian wisdom first came to America.

Raja’s Credentials

  • Popular Teacher on The Shift Network who has initiated over 3,000 people into the Power of Kundalini Shakti and Opened their Third Eye in the past 3 years
  • Founder of A Thousand Suns Academy teaching Advanced Programs on The Path to Awakening
  • Is Mantra Guru in Sri Vidya from the Devipuram lineage and is an advanced initiate in, Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Tantra, Raja Yoga, and Trika
  • Founder of the Popular Youtube Channel @rajaquest
  • TED and TEDx Speaker on Indian Wisdom
  • Award-winning Filmmaker, Storyteller, and Media Creator

Meet Your A Thousand Suns’ Teachers


Alex Stein

Bay Area, California

As a mystic, alchemist, and musician, I love to explore the horizons of consciousness, glimpse the secrets of the universe, and translate these experiences into magical manifestation. Direct experience of mystical states has transformed my life, and it also guides my work as a teacher, coach, and astrologer, where I help others navigate the process of their own awakening. Since studying with Raja, I have a growing sense of stillness, self-mastery, and bliss, and magic permeates my life. Daily practice helps me close the gap between brief glimpses of “something more” and the daily experience of that reality. It has made me a better human. I no longer feel that Alex, with all his neuroses, is running the show, but that Alex is an instrument of a Higher Self. With daily practice, he becomes a better instrument. It is a wild ride– sometimes frightening, as I am forced to let go of old habits and identities; sometimes exhilarating, as I gain new insights and understandings; and always satisfying, as the Mother’s grace leads the way.

Tara Maniar

Winnipeg, Canada

I am a spiritual life coach, certified Chakradance™ facilitator, international speaker, workshop and meditation facilitator, spiritual seeker, and lifelong student.  This path has brought me to the full void – experiencing the nothingness, the fullness, bliss, and forever in the same moment.  I enjoy living from the eternal self while tenderly acknowledging the ego whenever it shows itself.  Surrendering to the divinity within the heart brings a deep freedom to act from a stillness and knowing that I can serve skillfully and selflessly with compassion, courage, and confidence to help others heal and move forward.  I have been studying with Raja Choudhury since 2018 with the Advance Kundalini Awakening program. I am excited, humbled, and honored to be A Thousand Suns Academy mentor to support you on your journey as you discover your truth and manifest your dreams.

Mukta Mudgal

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

I am a natural health/Ayurvedic Practioner and energy healer. I use many different tools to help bring healing to the mind, body, and spirit such as Lecher Antenna, the Chinese method of correcting channels and meditation & then using Ayurvedic knowledge to bring them into harmony. Raja’s work has totally transformed my life. I began to get such deep insights about myself and my clients. My intuitive abilities skyrocketed and my own health and mental capabilities improved tremendously. I am honored to be here to help and support all of you in any way possible.

What You Get In The Master Code

7 video-based modules of in-depth content taught live over 7 months each month including 3 live sessions on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wednesday

After each live teaching concludes, you’ll have an opportunity to connect in Shakti Cafe breakouts for deep connection, sharing, and support from the Adepts and your Master Code community.

Guided support for your time outside of class with meditation prompt sheets and recommendations for deepening practices that support your awakening and initiation 

Each session will be recorded and professionally edited so you can revisit the teachings and receive the transmissions over and over again.

Praise For Raja’s Teachings and Guidance

Raja helped me awaken my third eye and my heart and introduced me to the secrets of Kundalini meditation and awakening the living Goddess inside of me. He gave me techniques and tools to experience another complete dimension of light, energy, and bliss inside of me. I am so grateful for this adventure we have been on and his immense love and Shakti energy.
Eliana Koulas

Participating in the Master Code course was a deep dive and exploration into how I could access a Turiya state and find joy and bliss by connecting with my inner divinity and seeing that same light in others. I became aware through the Kriya practices led by Rajada that I am both in the universe and the universe is in me and that my access to that awareness is being open-hearted. My life and my relationships got much easier and richer during the Master Code program, so much so that I want to review the course again to go even deeper.

Steve Hardacre

The Master Code is an investment of time and money that will change your life! It provides pragmatic approaches that yield tangible results. I not only gained a deeper sense of joy and balance, but I also have new tools to maintain them. As a seeker for decades, I found this material surprisingly rich and powerful. Raja’s teaching approach blends science, ancient wisdom, and historical context. Not to mention there were powerful mantras, illuminating graphics, and deep shares. And most importantly, he is an amazing storyteller. It was so much fun! I was blissed out after every class.

Cora Fontana

After having attended several of Raja Choudhury’s workshops and seminars, each new invitation from him feels like receiving a letter from Hogwarts. Raja helps me leave behind my boring Muggles life to explore the universe and realize the infinite magic that lies within all our minds.
Anuj Gupta

Faculty, St. Stephen’s College

I have been a seeker for a long time and have worked with masters who practiced different meditation techniques and religions, but it was only after The Kundalini Code and The Master Code for the first time ever that I felt a profound impact at all levels. I could understand how alchemy works scientifically too. How are we one with this universe? I could only realize this after doing The Master Code. The Master code is an abundance of knowledge that enlightens deep understanding I believe it is very important to bring transformation in our lives, and it indeed firmed my faith that all is happening for my higher good. I could see a shift in my thought patterns, in the people I deal with, and in situations. Overall, I have become healthier, more fun, with a better sense of humor, stronger, more focused, and a lighter human being. It has given me new pair of glasses through which I see more beauty everywhere. Lol- it’s true!

Amita Naithani

If you want to change from the inside out, try Raja and do The Master Code. An irreverent non-Guru, a guide with deep wisdom, who can help you with your stuck spots with gentleness and humor. But ultimately change lies in practice so the community and regularity of meetings over a few months are so helpful. I am glad I joined despite skepticism!

Deepa Narayan

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